2×120 Rotacinis purkštuvas talpų plovimui ST-82/h16/120
Jungtis 3/4v
Slėgis 80 bar
Srautas 50 L/min
Apsisukimai 10-16 apsk/min
Temperatūra 0-90’C
Purškimo kampas 360′
Purkštukai sumontuoti 2×120
Svoris 5.99kg
Products catalog
3.217,64 € ex VAT
2×120 Rotacinis purkštuvas talpų plovimui ST-82/h16/120
3.217,64 € ex VAT
2×120 Rotacinis purkštuvas talpų plovimui ST-82/h16/120
Jungtis 3/4v
Slėgis 80 bar
Srautas 50 L/min
Apsisukimai 10-16 apsk/min
Temperatūra 0-90’C
Purškimo kampas 360′
Purkštukai sumontuoti 2×120
Svoris 5.99kg
Compressed Air Sprayer with Foam Generator 24L
Industry line sprayer 9L, high-quality nozzle with adjustable spray angle, lance with easily adjustable length 700mm/1350mm, seals resistant to various types of chemicals, can be worn on the shoulder. Spare parts can also be ordered.
We will provide your car wash with all the necessary equipment and parts, and offer design, installation, and maintenance services.
Ukmergės St. 315C-1B, Vilnius
Email: info@daerta.lt
Phone: +370 636 96023
MB Daerta
Company code: 305276226
VAT code: LT100012697817
Address: Ukmergės st. 315C-1B, Vilnius, LT-06306
We will provide your car wash with all the necessary equipment and parts, and offer design, installation and maintenance services.
Ukmerges st. 315C-1B, Vilnius
E-mail: info@daerta.lt
Phone: +370 636 96023
MB Daerta
Company code: 305276226
VAT code: LT100012697817
Address: Ukmergės st. 315C-1B, Vilnius, LT-06306
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